Friday, 19 December 2008

In Gallarus Oratory
Seamus Heaney

You can still feel the community pack
This place: it’s like going into a turfstack,
A core of old dark walled up with stone
A yard thick. When you’re in it alone,
You might have dropped, a reduced creature,
To the heart of the globe. No worshipper
Would leap up to his God off this floor.

Founded there like heroes in a barrow,
They sought themselves in the eye of their King
Under the black weight of their own breathing.
And how he smiled on them as out they came,
The sea a censer and the grass a flame.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Soul Food

“Nimeni nu este atât de sărac ca să nu aibă nimic să dea şi, pe de altă parte, nimeni nu este atât de bogat ca să nu aibă nimic de primit.”
Papa Ioan Paul al II-lea

Friday, 12 December 2008

Old Love = Nostalgia


Ce surprindere dureros de plăcută să constaţi că deşi ai îndesat ceva în străfundul unui sertar al memoriei, nu s-a prăfuit deloc.


Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Retrospectiva anului 2008


După verde de Aiud

Verde de Paris

Şi Irish Green

Tot mai dulce e iarba de acasă, of course.
