Woke up this morning,
found out that
I don't hate the 80s
(I am their child)
& that the sun
could still shine.
What a surprise
that I get
at least
one day of
a year!
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Johannes Caput 5
Post haec erat dies festus Iudaeorum et ascendit Iesus Hierosolymis.
Est autem Hierosolymis super Probatica piscina quae cognominatur hebraice Bethsaida quinque porticus habens.
In his iacebat multitudo magna languentium caecorum claudorum aridorum expectantium aquae motum.
Erat autem quidam homo ibi triginta et octo annos habens in infirmitate sua.
Hunc cum vidisset Iesus iacentem et cognovisset quia multum iam tempus habet dicit ei vis sanus fieri.
Respondit ei languidus Domine hominem non habeo ut cum turbata fuerit aqua mittat me in piscinam dum venio enim ego alius ante me descendit.
Dicit ei Iesus surge, tolle grabattum tuum et ambula.
Et statim sanus factus est homo et sustulit grabattum suum et ambulabat.
Post haec erat dies festus Iudaeorum et ascendit Iesus Hierosolymis.
Est autem Hierosolymis super Probatica piscina quae cognominatur hebraice Bethsaida quinque porticus habens.
In his iacebat multitudo magna languentium caecorum claudorum aridorum expectantium aquae motum.
Erat autem quidam homo ibi triginta et octo annos habens in infirmitate sua.
Hunc cum vidisset Iesus iacentem et cognovisset quia multum iam tempus habet dicit ei vis sanus fieri.
Respondit ei languidus Domine hominem non habeo ut cum turbata fuerit aqua mittat me in piscinam dum venio enim ego alius ante me descendit.
Dicit ei Iesus surge, tolle grabattum tuum et ambula.
Et statim sanus factus est homo et sustulit grabattum suum et ambulabat.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Ramblin' on My Mind
I got ramblin', I got ramblin' all on my mind
Hate to leave my baby, but you treats me so unkind
I got mean things, I got mean things all on my mind
I got mean things, I got mean things all on my mind
Little girl, little girl, I got mean things all on my mind
Hate to leave you here, babe, but you treats me so unkind
Runnin' down to the station, catch the first mail train I see
Runnin' down to the station, catch the first mail train I see
(I think I hear her comin' now)
Runnin' down to the station, catch the old first mail train I see
I got the blues about Miss So-and-So and the child got the blues about me
And I'm leavin' this mornin', with my arm' fold' up and cryin'
And I'm leavin' this mornin', with my arm' fold' up and cryin'
And I'm leavin' this mornin', with my arm' fold' up and cryin'
Hate to leave my baby, but she treats me so unkind
I got mean things, I've got mean things on my mind
I got mean things, I've got mean things on my mind
I got mean things, I got mean things all on my mind
I got to leave my baby, well, she treats me so unkind
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Wistful Thinking
„Nu ştiam că am astfel de idei. Le-am rostit acum ca fiind gîndurile mele. Erau cele mai profunde sentimente ale mele care căpătau o formă pe care n-ar fi căpătat-o niciodată dacă nu le-aş fi exprimat cu glas tare, dacă nu le-aş fi formulat astfel într-o conversaţie cu altcineva. Atunci am crezut că am o minte pasivă, într-un fel. Mai precis, că mintea mea se putea aduna, putea forma gânduri din încâlceala de dorinţe şi dureri, cînd lua contact cu o altă minte, cînd era fertilizată de ea, cînd era foarte întărâtată de mintea aceea şi îmboldită să formuleze concluzii. Simţeam acum cea mai rară şi mai acută alinare a singurătăţii.”
Monday, 9 March 2009
Perambulaţiuni şi periegheze
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